Monday, March 31, 2014


Technological Convergence
According to wiseGEEK, “Technological convergence is the process by which existing technologies merge into new forms that bring together different types of media and applications.” This video can be used to show how technology has changed things like communication, hardware, and entertainment. Some questions could be asked about technological convergence such as, “What are the driving forces that push technology to advance itself and converge into different forms of technology? What other technological convergence do you see on a daily basis that was not shown in the video?”
This video on technology convergence shows how technology is changing our world and advancing our capabilities. It also shows how people and organizations are changing the way they accomplish things such as advertising. There is, however, an underlying message of which we should be aware, if not wary. This video begins with this message in mind by asking “Are you ready for the future?”
This video forces a discussion about how much convergence is too much convergence. In the video, many niceties are depicted as to technological convergence to the point that the year 2025 doesn’t seem like an impossibility to have nanotechnology implanted within our blood cells. However, this may be pushing it too far. I believe that a great conversation over technological convergence would be to enlighten ourselves as to whether or not this is convergence or simply technology taking over so to speak.

Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Graphic Design

I was remembering today how much design work I used to do at my old company. I also remember that I got paid significantly less than I do now. I am not great at drawing at all, but I think I find a way to convert my amateurish drawings into great design work. Doing what I do now is completely different, and I am grateful that I can do what I do now and still have a little time to do some graphic design work.

Sunday, March 23, 2014

Bluetooth Technology

I am grateful for Bluetooth technology. I use my Bluetooth headset all the time to speak on the phone and to listen to music. Today, I used my Bluetooth adapter to connect my phone into this stereo. Now, I can play YouTube videos while working in the kitchen with my family. It helps to pass the time.

Thursday, March 13, 2014

New Project

I am grateful for this new project that we are about to start. Our lead developer came in from Colorado for this project. We had a few meeting and went out to lunch and for a drink. This is the only time that we really get to know each other. More importantly, I am grateful for the fact that I will still have a job for the next 5 months. Also, I'm thankful for my education and skills that help me keep it.

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Rowdy Pride!

While I was on campus, I realized that there was something missing at TAMUSA that was readily available at UTSA. As I was walking, I noticed that there were students wearing UTSA shirts, had UTSA gear, and walking around helping each other. TAMUSA is such a new school that the sense of family has not yet been established. I am grateful that I have Rowdy Pride! I'm also grateful that my family is here at UTSA.

Teens vs Adults and Social Media

I came across this article from my Google Alerts. donah boyd explains how teens use social media differently than adults. They rarely use linking and speak to only a handful of friends through their accounts. It also mentions her new book that I am going to purchase.

Friday, February 14, 2014

Dolce & Gabbana

It's nice to know that I have someone who knows what I like. I wasn't expecting anything this Valentine's Day, but it was a nice surprise to receive this cologne. I love the way it smells, and it is the same brand as the one I currently use. Instead of buying me something that I already have, I was given a different scent to add variety to my life. It was a very pleasant and thoughtful gift.

Thursday, February 13, 2014


I think that it would more difficult than it already is to understand each other in messaging and text-based conversations without emoticons. Emoticons are a quick way to tell people how you feel, rather than using many words. I think from this picture you can see that we understand exactly what other is saying.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Cell Phones

I am grateful for cell phones. I was able to do so much today because I didn't have to be tied down to my desk. Furthermore, I did a lot from my desk because of my cell phone's capabilities. If I had to be on this dinosaur all day, I would get much less done. This thing doesn't even have the Internet. It's hard to believe the size difference.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

Social Penetration

I am very grateful for books. I would not have made it this far in life had it not been for learning so much from books of all kinds. They are easy to find and easy to get lost in. This is a book on Social Penetration Theory (The Onion Theory), a theory commonly found in many disciplines. I read it this last summer for a class in which we picked our own pace and books. We read one book per week for ten weeks. I enjoyed learning so much at such a fast rate.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Valentine's Day Shopping

I realized, while I was standing in line, that I'm very grateful and lucky to have to wonderful girls that make-up my family. Today, I'm going to treat them to some nice gifts, and Friday to a good dinner. I don't mind waiting in line. The line was small, especially on Sunday morning. I was pretty much in-and-out!

Thursday, February 6, 2014

"Narrate, Curate, Share"

I've actually heard these terms in conjunction before. "Narrate, Curate, Share" does a great job at depicting the true meaning of what blogging is all about. Aron Barlow wrote a book on this same subject, and the idea that you are a storyteller as a blogger resonates through his book; you are a storyteller in the new public sphere. As a curator, you begin to think about what your writings can do to the individuals who read them; you think, essentially, about how your writing and thought affect people and life. It is important to state that the connectedness is, in fact, the basic premise of social media, of which blogging shared a big part in by sharing.

Wednesday, January 15, 2014

Digital Media and Boundaries

My research interests are both broad and specific. I would like to inquire into how media reacts in its own right. It would be interesting to see how we are changed by media. In turn, I’d like to see how media changes traditional methods of accomplishing tasks, that is, the ways that we have done things in the past. I’d also like to see how media affects communication ideology. Even another area of research is to inquire into how research methodology can be enhanced by media. These research interests have many benefits as to the inquiry of digital media.
I will make every effort to focus on how digital media is alive and grows organically like a rhizome. This concept is something that I have wanted to explore many times over, and I believe that this course gives me the perfect opportunity to do so. I have a lot of literature that has lead me to this topic, and many unanswered questions that cannot be resolved without delving into the act of actual utilization.
I will also focus my research interests on studying the fact that we have multiple identities because of social media, both online and offline. Our identities are split due to the fact that we create and maintain an online identity separate yet in conjunction to our offline identities. I plan on depicting this concept through the various digital mediums available to us (i.e. blogs, images, video, social media, etc.).
As an added interest, I’d like to show how digital media has changed traditional and even classical vocations. As a musician in a mariachi group, I’d like to depict how media has changed the way things have been accomplished for years. This is true in other areas as well, including education.
Another aspect of my research interests is the full-circle of communication (from communication with the self (i.e. the role of psychology in communication) to communication with the masses (i.e. social media)). I have a graphic that shows what I ascertain to be the warmth and coldness of media as it flows through this circle. Communication studies do not concern themselves with the psychological aspects of this circle and have only yet grasped the social media aspects.

I have often pondered as to how media would change methodology, how using social media to research areas of social media would affect academia. I have tried gaining data through a website that was in the form of a forum. I would like to explore how other types of digital media can be used to ascertain data that would be relevant in academia.
I argue that these research interests are both intriguing and justified. If digital media is alive, it lives, grows, and dies with us. As a result, we live with digital media, often times creating different identities because of it. Some traditional methods of accomplishing tasks are changed because of digital media. Both our internal and external communication is affected by the use of digital media. As a result, digital media itself might be the best way to analyze digital media in its natural habitat.
My research interests are both broad and specific. Digital media seems to lend itself to this type on inquiry. In hopes of answering some of these sectors, I will look towards digital media to fill in the gaps missing in my research endeavors.